QuTee Hackathon Project
Testing Tool Redesign


A testing tools used by quality specialists was no longer reflecting the way these colleagues work and was lacking dev resources to maintain it.


Key Deliverables


The redesigned tool was adopted by Quality Specialists. Survey has shown positive feedback highlighting easyness to manage a variety of daily tasks, improved communication with teams and workload overview


Problem statement

The QS community has evolved a lot over time, but the Testing tool unfortunately could not keep up with changes. Currently it does not satisfy all our testing needs and we don't have the dev resources to even maintain it in the current state.


To approach this task I've started with a survey to identify colleagues that are still using the old tool and the ones that don't. With this I got 2 groups and volunteers for an interview to dig further into the topic of why the current tool is suitable for ones and not for others.

Creating a discussion guide, I focused on the following:
to discover how testers see their testing activities done via TT and via other tools they are using,
to understand how communication between QS and teams they support is done
get insights on how transparent the quality overview (team/track) and QS’s workload is

Based on conducted interviews I've identified a range of tools that Quality Specialists use on a daily basis, which allowed to conduct a competitor analysis to understand which features/solutions would be useful in the redesigned tool. It was also a way to estimate if existing tools user across the company (like JIRA and Trello) can be used as Testing Tool instead.

Trello provides me with an overview of what the teams are working on and which bugs they are currently working on. Airtable I mainly use for reporting bugs found in exploratory testing
My 3 teams use JIRA. I like the fact that the dev cycles are easy to follow and all stories (epics, tasks or bugs) can be seen and monitored within one single tool. All stakeholders know how to use it, it's pretty easy to pull info, move tasks around and prio them.
Jira is powerful, integrates with the work my team does - since that's tracked in Jira. I avoid having any dividing wall between my team's work and mine.

Key Deliverables

Product Vision Workshop

I've shared the outcomes of the research activities with the team and set up a workshop to brainstorm what features should the re-designed tool get. As we were doing this project during Hackathon we were limited to 3 days of active coding, and therefore we've devided all the features into ones that should be part of an MVP and ones that can be added later.

Features Brainstorming

This way we managed to scope the project and make a priority-based plan for redesigning the tool

Tasks Trello board

User Testing Paper Prototype

The quickest way to validate our idea on the new tool concept was creating a paper prototype and conducting scripted user testing sessions. Users were offered to complete most used scenarios (like create a new task, start and resume testing session, find test results for a previously accomplished task)

Tool Index Page Create New Task
Testing Now Screen Account Management Screen

MVP prototype

Based on feedback received in user testing and also during design critique session with UX designers working in my department, it was time to finalize the prototype and hand-off the designs to the Hackathon team

QuTee Prototype


MVP launch

The team has worked hard and within 3 days of the Hackathon we were able to accomplish the first version of the tool and launch it for beta testing among colleagues that agreed to try out the redesigned tool. It was great time creating a tool that actually improved daily routine for Quality Specialists. We've also created a small promo to share what we've achieved and get people vote for our project.